Church family, today, March 5th, marks the beginning of Lent, the season leading up to our celebration and recognition of Christ’s resurrection on Easter morning. Lent begins forty days before Easter (not counting Sundays) that coincides with the forty days Jesus was tempted in the wilderness. This is a time of introspection and prayer. This year we want to pray for our church and our church members. Below is forty prayer prompts for you to read and then spend time praying. These prompts may bring to mind specific people in our church to pray over, we encourage you to also reach out to those people and let them know you are praying for them. Let us boldly approach the King of Kings bringing our intercessions for our church to Him.
March 5
Thank God for New Salem and the work that He has done through His Church for 164 years! Pray that God would continue to use our Church for another hundred years and beyond!
March 6
Pray for our Pastor Search Committee as they screen resumes, listen to sermons, and interview potential candidates. Pray that they would be guided every step of the way and that any decision made would be confirmed within their Spirits. Pray for unity among each of them. Pray they would be given wisdom in all their decisions.
March 7
Ask that God would continue to use New Salem to spread the Gospel in our Community and Locally. Pray that those in the neighborhoods and schools around our church building would be drawn to us to experience the life changing Gospel of Christ.
March 8
Ask that God would continue to use New Salem to spread the Gospel in our Nation through mission trips and our North American church planters. Pray for Divine Grace Church in South Cobb, The Abiding Church in LA, and all other churches planted by our Southern Baptist Convention. Also for Skip McDonald, the Crescenzi’s, and the Bosley's.
March 10
Ask that God would continue to use New Salem to spread the Gospel Globally through mission trips and the missionaries that we support: The Pongpas in Sanpatong Thailand and The Rexhaj family in Albania. Pray also for the missionaries sent out by the International Mission Board.
March 11
Pray for the finances of New Salem. Pray that each member would be faithful in their giving to the church, not in obligation but in joyful surrender. Ask God for wisdom in all that we do so that we are faithful stewards of the resources that He gives to us. Pray for the trust that God will provide for every need.
March 12
Ask that God would move through the preaching ministry of New Salem. Thank God for pastor Mike Woods coming to faithfully preach His word to us. Pray that God would encourage and support Mike as he prepares to preach. Pray that every heart that hears the sermon this week would be receptive.
March 13
Pray for our preschool ministry. Pray for Joan Johnson as she leads in recruiting volunteers, planning and preparing lessons for each and every Sunday. Pray for our volunteers that sit with, play, protect, and teach each of the children. Pray that more families with young children would come and add fill our preschool space with laughter, singing, and the good news that each is loved by God.
March 14
Pray for our ministry to elementary children. Pray that as they participate in Sunday School, 252 Kids, and Awana that they would hear the Word of God and be moved to trust in Jesus for their whole lives. Thank God for the workers that labor diligently; for all the volunteers who serve and Cindy Kropff as she leads our Awana program. Pray that we would see many young people turn to Christ and make decisions to be baptized.
March 15
Pray for our youth ministry as Pastor Robby serves and teaches those in middle and high school. Pray that youth would take a stand for their faith, making it their own. Pray that God would use them in their schools and among their friends to share the Gospel. Pray that God would protect our young people from the negative pressure and lies of this world. Pray for our youth volunteers, that God would continue to pour into them as they pour into the youth week in and week out. Pray that more students would come and join our church.
March 17
Pray that our College ministry would continue to grow. Pray for the ministry of the Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM) of Kennesaw State University. Pray that the college students of our Church would be faithful to your word and be bold in their faith. Pray that their needs would be provided as they take this time to Study. Pray that opportunities for work would open as they graduate. Pray for the gatherings that take place at Pastor Robby’s house and Peter Mullens’ apartment throughout the week. Pray that their faith would grow strong and they would remain steadfast.
March 18
Pray for our ministry to young adults. Pray for those who are attending our new 234 Class on Sunday mornings. Pray that as rhythms of life emerge between work, marriage, and social engagements that time would be dedicated for they Word of God to work in their lives. Pray for opportunities in their lives to share their faith with coworkers, neighbors, and friends.
March 19
Pray for the young parents at New Salem. Pray for those that are up in the middle of the night caring for their little ones. Pray that as they prepare meals, change diapers, and read books aloud they would see the work that they are doing as service to the Lord. Pray that they would be faithful to teach their children about God.
March 20
Pray for the parents of older kids and youth. Pray that they would make time amongst practices, ball games, recitals, and home work to speak with their children about God and how God is working in their family. Pray that space would open for families to eat meals together without distractions from technology and that God would bind these families together.
March 21
Pray for the empty nester families. Pray that as they send off their children as adults, that they would grow closer with their spouse. Pray that the extra time and money that they now have would be used to glorify God and serve Him faithfully. Pray for their hearts and against any anxiety.
March 22
Pray for our older church members. Pray that God would give them strength and energy to serve Him. Pray that God would protect them from any illnesses or injuries that may keep them from gathering with our church family. Pray that they would share their rich wisdom with others in our church and that their testimony would encourage inspire us all.
March 24
Pray for our worship team as they lead us in singing to the Lord every week. Pray that they would lead from a place of private worship in the secret that you alone see. Pray that you would plant your Word deeply in them so they may richly share through songs, hymns, and spiritual songs. Pray that our church would gladly and joyfully join in singing to our Lord!
March 25
Pray for our welcome team. Pray that regular attenders and those who join us for the first time, would feel a welcome not just from these volunteers but also from Jesus Himself. Pray that as individuals and families enter our doors, that the concerns of life would melt away and burdens would be lifted as they are welcomed. Pray that facades would fall away and that there would not be pressure to put on a happy face.
March 26
Pray that our church would move beyond small talk and pleasantries but build meaningful and lasting relationships. Pray that those that have been on the edges of our church would be brought in. Pray for the one that you’ve seen but haven’t introduced yourself to.
March 27
Pray for those that visit New Salem. Pray that they would sense something different about our church. Pray that people will introduce themselves to them and remove any feeling of being awkward. Ask God to give us a spirit of family and belonging.
March 28
Pray for our discipleship ministry. Pray that God would use the men and women who lead our D-Groups to be faithfully examining God’s word. Pray that relationships would grow among the groups. Pray that more men and women would step up to lead new groups. Pray for Matthew Helton as he leads and invests in our D-Group leaders.
March 29
Pray for New Salem’s Weekday Preschool. Pray for the 60+ children that are taught and ministered to every week. Pray for our weekday preschool teachers as they serve and connect with families. Pray that the families that are needing a church family would be welcomed into ours and would know the good news of Jesus.
March 31
Pray for our deacons as they serve our church. Pray that they would have wisdom to know what our church members need. Pray for them as they care and reach out to families and individuals. Pray that God would protect them, their marriage, and their household to fulfill the qualifications given in Scripture.
April 1
Pray for your church staff. Pray that they would be inspired as they lead, with new ideas that create better ministries. Pray that our staff would be unified in all that they do and that ministries would not be in silos but would cross over with each other and grow from one another. Pray against any division that would separate them.
April 2
Pray for the marriages of New Salem. Pray that the Lord would be honored and reflected in the love between husbands and wives. Pray that mutual love would be expressed in the laying down of preference to serve the other. Pray that marriages would be unified and not divided on anything. Ask God to make space for couples to pray together, read scripture together, and talk of the things of God.
April 3
Pray for the facility of New Salem. Our church is not the building but we do rely on it for much of our ministry. Pray that God would maintain it and keep things working as they should. Pray for Kevin Stone, our Building, and Property Maintenance Committees as they care and maintain our facilities.
April 4
Pray for the digital ministry of New Salem. Pray that as people explore our Church’s website, that they would be drawn to our fellowship of believers and make a decision to join us for worship on a Sunday morning. Pray for the streaming of our Sunday morning worship services, that God would supernaturally work through the worship, prayers, and preaching of His word even through a digital medium.
April 5
Pray for the members of New Salem that are mourning loved ones. Pray that in our mourning we would not lose hope but look forward to the day that Christ will wipe away all tears. Pray that as we approach Easter that the good news of Resurrection would blossom within us.
April 7
Pray for the family members of our church members who do not know, who have fallen away, or have rejected the Gospel. Pray that our church members would be persistent in our prayers for them. Pray that boldness would be given so that life changing conversations could be had free of any hostility or judgement.
April 8
Pray for the coworkers of our church members who are lost. Pray that the people of New Salem would strive for excellence in all that they do as unto the Lord and not for their boss’s approval. Ask that God would convict our church members of any unethical business practices that they may be participating in to keep our church pure and blameless. Pray that our church members would shine likes stars in the marketplace and be ready to give a reason for the hope within them.
April 9
Pray for our church members who are caring for their elderly parents. Pray for wisdom and diligence as they attend doctors appointments or manage finances. Pray for siblings to work together when emotions run high. Pray that God would be honored as we honor those that raised us.
April 10
Pray for the men of our church. Pray that they would be godly in all their dealings and pursue holiness. Pray that they may avoid vices of this world. Pray that, as Job made a covenant with his eyes, that the men of New Salem, young and old, would not look lustfully at any woman. Ask God to help married men to love their wives faithfully.
April 11
Pray for the women of our church. Pray that they would not be ensnared in comparison but that they would be content in all that He provides for them. Ask God to encourage them as daughters of the King, with the knowledge that they are loved and cared for by their Father in Heaven. Pray against an anxiety but ask God for peace over all things. Ask God to help married women to love their husbands faithfully.
April 12
Pray for the foster care ministry of our church. Pray that we would have opportunities to support and care for foster families. Ask God that He would open up homes within our church family to take in foster kids. Pray that foster children would experience love and safety in the care of homes that are committed to following Christ.
April 14
Pray that everyone in our church would have a supernatural interest and love of God’s word, that it would be the thing that we look forward to reading every morning and that we would meditate on it throughout the day. Pray that we would intentionally memorize verses that would help us deal with temptation, doubt, or worry. Pray for the boldness to share a scripture that we’ve read with a friend, loved one, or co-worker.
April 15
Pray that God would raise up workers for the harvest. Pray that men and women would be called to give their lives in service to bringing the Gospel to those who are unreached. Pray that young men, even from our congregation would be called to the ministry of preaching.
April 16
Pray that everyone at New Salem would step into their gifting that God has given to serve the Body of Christ. Pray that no gifting would be neglected but that every person would have opportunities to use their gifts.
April 17
Pray for the witness of New Salem, both privately and corporately, that everyone who has any dealings with our church would know we are earnest in our pursuit to follow Christ in all that we do. Pray for the seeds that are planted from our members when they have spiritual conversations with others.
April 18
Pray for our worship this evening as we gather to remember the cross that Christ bore for us. Let us be solemn with respect but also joyful in the sacrifice that Christ made that we could not do for ourselves.
April 19
Pray for our time of worship tomorrow as we gather on Easter, Resurrection Sunday. Pray that joy would resound from every mouth, that hope would fill the depths of our souls, and that Christ would be exulted above all. Pray that those who attend, if they have never surrendered their lives to Christ, that they would feel the Holy Spirit move among us and be compelled to seek forgiveness from their sins and salvation in Christ alone.
March 5
Thank God for New Salem and the work that He has done through His Church for 164 years! Pray that God would continue to use our Church for another hundred years and beyond!
March 6
Pray for our Pastor Search Committee as they screen resumes, listen to sermons, and interview potential candidates. Pray that they would be guided every step of the way and that any decision made would be confirmed within their Spirits. Pray for unity among each of them. Pray they would be given wisdom in all their decisions.
March 7
Ask that God would continue to use New Salem to spread the Gospel in our Community and Locally. Pray that those in the neighborhoods and schools around our church building would be drawn to us to experience the life changing Gospel of Christ.
March 8
Ask that God would continue to use New Salem to spread the Gospel in our Nation through mission trips and our North American church planters. Pray for Divine Grace Church in South Cobb, The Abiding Church in LA, and all other churches planted by our Southern Baptist Convention. Also for Skip McDonald, the Crescenzi’s, and the Bosley's.
March 10
Ask that God would continue to use New Salem to spread the Gospel Globally through mission trips and the missionaries that we support: The Pongpas in Sanpatong Thailand and The Rexhaj family in Albania. Pray also for the missionaries sent out by the International Mission Board.
March 11
Pray for the finances of New Salem. Pray that each member would be faithful in their giving to the church, not in obligation but in joyful surrender. Ask God for wisdom in all that we do so that we are faithful stewards of the resources that He gives to us. Pray for the trust that God will provide for every need.
March 12
Ask that God would move through the preaching ministry of New Salem. Thank God for pastor Mike Woods coming to faithfully preach His word to us. Pray that God would encourage and support Mike as he prepares to preach. Pray that every heart that hears the sermon this week would be receptive.
March 13
Pray for our preschool ministry. Pray for Joan Johnson as she leads in recruiting volunteers, planning and preparing lessons for each and every Sunday. Pray for our volunteers that sit with, play, protect, and teach each of the children. Pray that more families with young children would come and add fill our preschool space with laughter, singing, and the good news that each is loved by God.
March 14
Pray for our ministry to elementary children. Pray that as they participate in Sunday School, 252 Kids, and Awana that they would hear the Word of God and be moved to trust in Jesus for their whole lives. Thank God for the workers that labor diligently; for all the volunteers who serve and Cindy Kropff as she leads our Awana program. Pray that we would see many young people turn to Christ and make decisions to be baptized.
March 15
Pray for our youth ministry as Pastor Robby serves and teaches those in middle and high school. Pray that youth would take a stand for their faith, making it their own. Pray that God would use them in their schools and among their friends to share the Gospel. Pray that God would protect our young people from the negative pressure and lies of this world. Pray for our youth volunteers, that God would continue to pour into them as they pour into the youth week in and week out. Pray that more students would come and join our church.
March 17
Pray that our College ministry would continue to grow. Pray for the ministry of the Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM) of Kennesaw State University. Pray that the college students of our Church would be faithful to your word and be bold in their faith. Pray that their needs would be provided as they take this time to Study. Pray that opportunities for work would open as they graduate. Pray for the gatherings that take place at Pastor Robby’s house and Peter Mullens’ apartment throughout the week. Pray that their faith would grow strong and they would remain steadfast.
March 18
Pray for our ministry to young adults. Pray for those who are attending our new 234 Class on Sunday mornings. Pray that as rhythms of life emerge between work, marriage, and social engagements that time would be dedicated for they Word of God to work in their lives. Pray for opportunities in their lives to share their faith with coworkers, neighbors, and friends.
March 19
Pray for the young parents at New Salem. Pray for those that are up in the middle of the night caring for their little ones. Pray that as they prepare meals, change diapers, and read books aloud they would see the work that they are doing as service to the Lord. Pray that they would be faithful to teach their children about God.
March 20
Pray for the parents of older kids and youth. Pray that they would make time amongst practices, ball games, recitals, and home work to speak with their children about God and how God is working in their family. Pray that space would open for families to eat meals together without distractions from technology and that God would bind these families together.
March 21
Pray for the empty nester families. Pray that as they send off their children as adults, that they would grow closer with their spouse. Pray that the extra time and money that they now have would be used to glorify God and serve Him faithfully. Pray for their hearts and against any anxiety.
March 22
Pray for our older church members. Pray that God would give them strength and energy to serve Him. Pray that God would protect them from any illnesses or injuries that may keep them from gathering with our church family. Pray that they would share their rich wisdom with others in our church and that their testimony would encourage inspire us all.
March 24
Pray for our worship team as they lead us in singing to the Lord every week. Pray that they would lead from a place of private worship in the secret that you alone see. Pray that you would plant your Word deeply in them so they may richly share through songs, hymns, and spiritual songs. Pray that our church would gladly and joyfully join in singing to our Lord!
March 25
Pray for our welcome team. Pray that regular attenders and those who join us for the first time, would feel a welcome not just from these volunteers but also from Jesus Himself. Pray that as individuals and families enter our doors, that the concerns of life would melt away and burdens would be lifted as they are welcomed. Pray that facades would fall away and that there would not be pressure to put on a happy face.
March 26
Pray that our church would move beyond small talk and pleasantries but build meaningful and lasting relationships. Pray that those that have been on the edges of our church would be brought in. Pray for the one that you’ve seen but haven’t introduced yourself to.
March 27
Pray for those that visit New Salem. Pray that they would sense something different about our church. Pray that people will introduce themselves to them and remove any feeling of being awkward. Ask God to give us a spirit of family and belonging.
March 28
Pray for our discipleship ministry. Pray that God would use the men and women who lead our D-Groups to be faithfully examining God’s word. Pray that relationships would grow among the groups. Pray that more men and women would step up to lead new groups. Pray for Matthew Helton as he leads and invests in our D-Group leaders.
March 29
Pray for New Salem’s Weekday Preschool. Pray for the 60+ children that are taught and ministered to every week. Pray for our weekday preschool teachers as they serve and connect with families. Pray that the families that are needing a church family would be welcomed into ours and would know the good news of Jesus.
March 31
Pray for our deacons as they serve our church. Pray that they would have wisdom to know what our church members need. Pray for them as they care and reach out to families and individuals. Pray that God would protect them, their marriage, and their household to fulfill the qualifications given in Scripture.
April 1
Pray for your church staff. Pray that they would be inspired as they lead, with new ideas that create better ministries. Pray that our staff would be unified in all that they do and that ministries would not be in silos but would cross over with each other and grow from one another. Pray against any division that would separate them.
April 2
Pray for the marriages of New Salem. Pray that the Lord would be honored and reflected in the love between husbands and wives. Pray that mutual love would be expressed in the laying down of preference to serve the other. Pray that marriages would be unified and not divided on anything. Ask God to make space for couples to pray together, read scripture together, and talk of the things of God.
April 3
Pray for the facility of New Salem. Our church is not the building but we do rely on it for much of our ministry. Pray that God would maintain it and keep things working as they should. Pray for Kevin Stone, our Building, and Property Maintenance Committees as they care and maintain our facilities.
April 4
Pray for the digital ministry of New Salem. Pray that as people explore our Church’s website, that they would be drawn to our fellowship of believers and make a decision to join us for worship on a Sunday morning. Pray for the streaming of our Sunday morning worship services, that God would supernaturally work through the worship, prayers, and preaching of His word even through a digital medium.
April 5
Pray for the members of New Salem that are mourning loved ones. Pray that in our mourning we would not lose hope but look forward to the day that Christ will wipe away all tears. Pray that as we approach Easter that the good news of Resurrection would blossom within us.
April 7
Pray for the family members of our church members who do not know, who have fallen away, or have rejected the Gospel. Pray that our church members would be persistent in our prayers for them. Pray that boldness would be given so that life changing conversations could be had free of any hostility or judgement.
April 8
Pray for the coworkers of our church members who are lost. Pray that the people of New Salem would strive for excellence in all that they do as unto the Lord and not for their boss’s approval. Ask that God would convict our church members of any unethical business practices that they may be participating in to keep our church pure and blameless. Pray that our church members would shine likes stars in the marketplace and be ready to give a reason for the hope within them.
April 9
Pray for our church members who are caring for their elderly parents. Pray for wisdom and diligence as they attend doctors appointments or manage finances. Pray for siblings to work together when emotions run high. Pray that God would be honored as we honor those that raised us.
April 10
Pray for the men of our church. Pray that they would be godly in all their dealings and pursue holiness. Pray that they may avoid vices of this world. Pray that, as Job made a covenant with his eyes, that the men of New Salem, young and old, would not look lustfully at any woman. Ask God to help married men to love their wives faithfully.
April 11
Pray for the women of our church. Pray that they would not be ensnared in comparison but that they would be content in all that He provides for them. Ask God to encourage them as daughters of the King, with the knowledge that they are loved and cared for by their Father in Heaven. Pray against an anxiety but ask God for peace over all things. Ask God to help married women to love their husbands faithfully.
April 12
Pray for the foster care ministry of our church. Pray that we would have opportunities to support and care for foster families. Ask God that He would open up homes within our church family to take in foster kids. Pray that foster children would experience love and safety in the care of homes that are committed to following Christ.
April 14
Pray that everyone in our church would have a supernatural interest and love of God’s word, that it would be the thing that we look forward to reading every morning and that we would meditate on it throughout the day. Pray that we would intentionally memorize verses that would help us deal with temptation, doubt, or worry. Pray for the boldness to share a scripture that we’ve read with a friend, loved one, or co-worker.
April 15
Pray that God would raise up workers for the harvest. Pray that men and women would be called to give their lives in service to bringing the Gospel to those who are unreached. Pray that young men, even from our congregation would be called to the ministry of preaching.
April 16
Pray that everyone at New Salem would step into their gifting that God has given to serve the Body of Christ. Pray that no gifting would be neglected but that every person would have opportunities to use their gifts.
April 17
Pray for the witness of New Salem, both privately and corporately, that everyone who has any dealings with our church would know we are earnest in our pursuit to follow Christ in all that we do. Pray for the seeds that are planted from our members when they have spiritual conversations with others.
April 18
Pray for our worship this evening as we gather to remember the cross that Christ bore for us. Let us be solemn with respect but also joyful in the sacrifice that Christ made that we could not do for ourselves.
April 19
Pray for our time of worship tomorrow as we gather on Easter, Resurrection Sunday. Pray that joy would resound from every mouth, that hope would fill the depths of our souls, and that Christ would be exulted above all. Pray that those who attend, if they have never surrendered their lives to Christ, that they would feel the Holy Spirit move among us and be compelled to seek forgiveness from their sins and salvation in Christ alone.

Text your prayer request to (770) 525-2507
We will pray for each request.
Weekly Opportunities
Online Prayer Gathering
Join us on Wednesdays at 7:30pm by Zoom for prayer! Our pastors lead us in praying for all pressing needs including any that are brought up during the meeting. This is a special time of care for one another.

Prayer Walking
Join us every Thursday at 11am. We meet at the church for a word of encouragement and then go out to nearby neighborhoods to pray. This is a great way to make ourselves present in the community and care for every house through prayer. And each session is only 30 minutes!