Registration for the 2025-26 school year is NOW OPEN!

Spots for Spring 2025 are available - Contact Dana Moore for more information
(770) 425-6476 or

About Us:

New Salem Preschool is an outreach ministry of New Salem Baptist church. Our preschool is a place where children are encouraged to grow and to learn within a safe and nurturing Christian environment. We believe that children develop through play-based experiences and small classroom environments. Our small class sizes foster strong and caring relationships, while providing opportunities for individualized learning. Our curriculum focuses on age appropriate developmental skills. The school day includes center-based learning along with free play, group time, and outdoor play. Our preschoolers participate weekly in our music and STEM class. Bible lesson and activities are taught throughout the week, and older preschoolers attend chapel monthly.
The preschool closely follows the Cobb County school system’s calendar. Our preschool hours are 9:00-1:00, Monday through Thursday.
New Salem Baptist Church is committed to providing this community with a preschool where Christian principals and best practices in early childhood come together to develop our students into life long learners with generous hearts.
Please feel free to contact Dana Moore to learn more.


Our Classes

Mothers Morning Out One Year Old
Ratio: 8 students/2 teachers
Hours: 9:00am-1:00pm
2 days per week (Mother's Morning Out), Tuesday & Thursday

Our one year old classroom’s main focus is learning to separate from parents, develop independence, learn self-direction through a loving faith-based environment. The classroom is staffed with two teachers that are background checked, CPR and First-Aid trained. The maximum class size is 8 children,
Our toddler classroom allows for  introductions to new experiences with loving caregivers and peers through exploration with singing, playing, and story time.
Enrollment Requirements
  • Children must be between 15 and 23 months old by August 1, 2025.
  • Must provide a GA Immunization Form 3231 or religious exemption from your child’s pediatrician
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Mothers Morning Out Two Year Old
Ratio: 12 students/2 teachers
Hours: 9:00am-1:00pm

2 days per week (Mother's Morning Out), Monday and Wednesday
Our two year old preschool classroom’s main focus is learning to be a good friend, sharing and following classroom expectations. The children participate in music twice a week. Children have a daily Bible lesson and monthly memory verse. Thematic units and activities are used to teach basic skills in a loving play-based environment. Early literacy and math concepts are introduced through calendar, songs, and stories. Letter sound and recognition is introduced through our Zoo-Phonics curriculum. Teachers plan centers and activities to help strengthen fine and gross motor skill to increase independence. Teachers will work with parents to help when a child is ready to begin the potty-training process.
Enrollment Requirements
  • Children enrolling in the two year old classroom must turn 2 by September 1, 2025.
  • Must provide a GA Immunization Form 3231 or religious exemption from your child’s pediatrician
Two Year Old Class
Ratio: 12 students/2 teachers
Hours: 9:00am-1:00pm

3 days per week, Tuesday through Thursday
4 days per week, Monday through Thursday
Our two year old preschool classroom’s main focus is learning to be a good friend, sharing and following classroom expectations. The children participate in music twice a week. Children have a daily Bible lesson and monthly memory verse. Thematic units and activities are used to teach basic skills in a loving play-based environment. Early literacy and math concepts are introduced through calendar, songs, and stories. Letter sound and recognition is introduced through our Zoo-Phonics curriculum. Teachers plan centers and activities to help strengthen fine and gross motor skill to increase independence. Teachers will work with parents to help when a child is ready to begin the potty-training process.
Enrollment Requirements
  • Children enrolling in the two year old classroom must turn 2 by September 1, 2025.
  • Must provide a GA Immunization Form 3231 or religious exemption from your child’s pediatrician
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Three Year Old Class
Ratio: 14 students/2 teachers
Hours: 9:00am-1:00pm
3 days per week, Tuesday through Thursday

4 days per week, Monday through Thursday
The three year old classroom builds on skills that are taught in the two year old program. They begin to work hard on independence. Threes move further into early phonemic awareness and work on print knowledge and vocabulary. Math skills are taught through counting, number recognition, as well as beginning measurement and spatial awareness. Threes use thematic units throughout the year to support early literacy and math skills. The three year old classroom has a daily Bible lessons, monthly memory verse, and attends chapel once a month. The children also attend music twice a week. Children will practice being good friends through sharing of class materials, cleaning up after play, snack, and lunch. The three will work on taking turns and participating in group activities.

Enrollment Requirements
  • Children enrolling in the three year old classroom must turn 3 by September 1, 2025.
  • Must provide a GA Immunization Form 3231 or religious exemption from your child’s pediatrician
  • The children in this classroom do not have to be completely potty-trained. The expectation is that children entering the 3 year classroom to have already started the potty-training process 3 or 4 month prior to the first day of school in August.
    Children not fully potty trained need to come to school wearing Pull-Ups with the easy open side tabs, and not sent wearing a diaper.
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Young Four Year Old Class
Ratio: 14 students/2 teachers
Hours: 9:00am-1:00pm

4 days per week, Monday through Thursday
The Young 4’s class is designed for children that have turned 4 in the late spring or summer or who are turning 4 after September 1 or by December 30. The Young 4 class is designed to give children time to grow and mature while providing more academic structure. The year class uses guided phonics and alphabet curriculum based on the science of reading. Math is taught through calendar and expands into number recognition, counting, patterns, and measurement. Thematic units support math and early literacy skills and includes science. The 4’s have a Bible lesson each day and a memory verse for the month, They attend chapel once a month and music twice a week. Children will practice being good friends through sharing of class materials, cleaning up after play, snack, and lunch. The three will work on taking turns and participating in group activities.
Enrollment Requirements
  • Children enrolling in Young 4’s must turn 4 between September 2 and December 30, 2025; or have turned 4 in the spring or summer of 2025.
  • Must provide a GA Immunization Form 3231 or religious exemption from your child’s pediatrician
  • Children must be fully potty-trained
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Pre-Kindergarten Class
Ratio: 14 students/2 teachers
Hours: 9:00am-1:00pm

4 days per week, Monday through Thursday
Our Pre-Kindergarten class builds upon skills learned from our 3 year old and Young 4’s classroom. The pre-kindergarten class implements The Science of Reading. This curriculum covers guided phonics, alphabet-knowledge, CVC words, and sight words during large and small group time in class. The Pre-Kindergarten class uses the calendar and centers to continue to grow their math skills from counting, number recognition, ordinal numbers, measurement and patterns. Literacy skills, science, and social studies skills are explored through thematic units. Children will have a Bible lesson each day, a memory verse each month, and attend chapel once a month. Pre-Kindergarten classes attend music twice a week.

Enrollment Requirements
  • Children enrolled in the Pre-Kindergarten class must turn 4 by September 1, 2025.
  • Must provide a GA Immunization Form 3231 or religious exemption from your child’s pediatrician
  • Children must be fully potty-trained
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Our Program


We desire to see every child grow in school.


We teach standards to prepare each child for tomorrow.


We create an atmosphere where each child can bloom into the person God created them to be.


Our focus is on Christ and the love and grace He shows every single person, young and old.


We provide centers, crafts, indoor and outdoor play as well as other special activities throughout the year.


We desire to prepare your child to shine in the world. To be confident, excited, and ready to take on the next level of learning.


25-26 Year at a Glance
Tentative: Dates & times, may be adjusted or changed
July 24 Teacher Training
July 27 Teacher Recognition and Lunch (possibly CPR training date)
July 30 Tuition for August Due
August 4-7 Teacher Pre-planning days
August 6 Teacher Meet and Greet   11:00-1:00 p.m.
August 11 First Day of school for children attending 4 days
August 12 First Day of school for children attending 2 & 3 days
August 18* Cobb Digital Learning Day.  (No Preschool) Teacher training/Workday 8:30-1:30 p.m.
August 21 Parent Orientation (adults only) 6:30-7:30 p.m.
August 30 Tuition for September & Yearly Activity Fee Due
Sept. 1 Labor Day. (No Preschool)
Sept. 22-26 Fall Break. (No Preschool)
Sept. 30 Tuition for October Due
Oct. 13* Cobb Digital Learning Day.  (No Preschool) Teacher training/Workday 8:30-1:30 p.m.
Oct. 30 Tuition for November Due
Nov. 4** Election Day.(No Preschool)
Nov. 24-28 Thanksgiving.(No Preschool)
Nov. 30 Tuition for December Due
Dec. 17 Last Day of preschool before Christmas break
Dec. 18- Jan. 5 Christmas Break.  (No Preschool)
Dec. 30 Tuition for January Due
Jan. 6 First Day back from Christmas break
Jan. 19 MLK Holiday. (No Preschool)
Jan. 30 Tuition for February Due
Feb. 16-20 Winter Break.  (No Preschool)
Feb. 28 Tuition for March Due
March 9* Cobb Digital Learning Day.  (No Preschool) Teacher training/Workday 8:30-1:30 p.m.
March 30 Tuition for April Due
April 6-10 Spring Break.  (No Preschool)
April 30 Tuition for May Due
May 13 Last Day of Preschool
May 14 Teacher Workday

*New Salem Preschool follows the Cobb County School calendar for the majority of holiday, breaks, and digital learning days. The school system has not set dates for digital learning days etc.  The dates in this tentative calendar are subject to change.

**New Salem likes to serve the community by being a polling place for Cobb County voters. Election Day is Nov. 4, 2025 and Preschool is out. If there is a run-off election in December and the church is being used as a polling place, we will NOT have preschool. Parents will be communicated as needed.